Progress is little steps

11:21 PM

Before I slip off to bed, I just wanted to pop a post here to keep the habit alive. I shouldn’t let more than a day slip by without a post. I did make some progress today on the workspace. All of the fabric is pull out and put into a bin. Notions sorted into an organizer. The jewelry kit is in its own bin. There is some miscellany, but those have their own discreet units. I’ve cleared the three rolling carts. Those are ready for transfer to the garage or Goodwill.

I’m start the process of sorting through the tools and supplies that should stay upstairs. Tricky those choices. While I will probably be the main user of the space, I don’t want to make it solely my space. My plan is to build storage under the new bench. First order of retrievability will dictate what is needed on the workbench and what will move under the bench or the shelf above it.

This will be a long process with a lot of discussion.

So much now has a tidy home.